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Do You Understand Customer Friction Points?

May 9, 2019 by OSYB Staff

What is a customer friction point? QuickSprout shares that friction points are areas in marketing and business plans that instead of drawing customers in actually end up averting customers. Some things to know about customer friction points:

  • Is your landing page the right length? Determining the right balance of words and images on your landing page that provides concise information customers need, and the best way to determine that balance is to regularly test your landing page with qualitative research.
  • Do you work on dissolving any cognitive dissonance by bonding logic with emotional bonding, becoming cognitively fluent, and understanding your customer, and finding where their values and the company values overlap?
  • Are you working on building customer trust in the brand and recognizing that this is the company’s responsibility?
  • Do you share customer reviews and testimonials by building a strong section for reviews and testimonials which bolster credibility by being detailed and informative

tay on top of friction points and keep testing different areas. Also, run A/B tests to challenge your assumptions. Regularly, perform qualitative research, apply the data results, and make the appropriate adjustments.


For more details: How to Avoid Friction Points for Your Customers

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