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Starting Up? Looking for Strong Employees?

October 22, 2019 by OSYB Staff

TechPluto shares some tips to boost your start-up small business by hiring the best employees to start working with you:

  1. Mission and vision should be strong and clear. It should be attractive to employees who know what they are looking for and want more than an ordinary job with good compensation. Share a vision and mission that includes employees in attaining company goals.
  2. Have a strong brand presence. People want to work with companies that are going places and that people know about. Utilize social media and word-of-mouth to highlight your goals, your routines and especially your achievements.
  3. Hold onto your existing quality staff. Create an affirming work environment and remember that positively engaged staff working together towards a common goal is a huge plus for success.
  4. Keep up with your networking. Engaging in start-up communities and meet-ups offers opportunities to share what you do, how you do things differently and well, and it’s a place to meet future clients and employees.
  5. Use content marketing to capture attention about your start-up. The more information that is out there, more people will know about you and there could be a hidden gem of an employee just waiting to learn about your business.


For full article: Five Ways Start-ups Can Get Better Talent Without Hassle

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