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Do You Run an Effective Meeting?

December 5, 2017 by OSYB Staff

Staff often complain that they spend too much time in meetings which leaves with less time to perform their tasks.  Small Business Profit Explosion shares some tips on how to run meetings that make an impact and give employees the time and tools to effectively reach their goals.  Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Ask people to arrive 5-10 minutes earlier so they can socialize and gather what they need to start the meeting on time.
  • Find time to talk with people prior to the meeting, to gather information and viewpoints, to help frame the agenda.  Gathering data prior to the meeting provides time for assessment and for researching possible solutions to discuss at the meeting.  This saves valuable time.
  • Plan short meetings concentrated on single issues and involve only the people directly involved.
  • Be purposeful in inviting meeting attendees and send minutes to the rest of the staff that need to know but may not be directly impacted .
  • Prepare an agenda and work on sticking to the time frame you have set.

For more tips:  12 New Tips for Effective Meetings

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