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Is Your Tech Outdated?

February 27, 2020 by OSYB Staff

Some people are comfortable with the adage, “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?” That theorem, doesn’t work for technology in this fast paced world. If you have been using technology and it works, that alone may not be adequate. Inc.com shares some signs that you should be actively looking at that may reveal that you need an upgraded tech system:

  • Your website is not meeting customer needs
    • Your website or mobile site is taking longer that three seconds to load.
  • Your in-store technology doesn’t meet customer needs
    • Do your customers seem frustrated that your staff is not easily accessing information needed for a sale. Is it time to upgrade to mobile POS devices?
  • Your e-commerce or shipping software doesn’t automatically send shipment tracking information to customers.
    • Today’s online shoppers expect to be able to track their orders throughout the shipping process.

Upgrades do not necessarily have to break the bank. Some changes may require modifications or adding software applications. Be proactive and stay up-to-date but that doesn’t mean you should upgrade every time there is change. Make the right upgrades when needed. It would be prudent to consult a technology consultant before you go out and revamp your entire system.

For full article: 3 Signs Your Retail Brand Is Overdue for a Technology Upgrade

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