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How Small Businesses Can Implement Wellness Programs

August 8, 2016 by Ed Becker

There are many large companies that have very elaborate wellness incentive and programs in place for their employees. Even when they are quite costly, it is still overall positive. It saves in reduced production times, healthcare costs, absenteeism as well as boosts the positive environment in the company. It shows that their employees are cared about. That goes a long way for employee morale and loyalty.

Businessman having a vegetables salad for lunch, healthy eating and lifestyle concept, unrecognizable person

 But what is a small business owner supposed to do when they really cannot afford to invest the money in all those corporate perks?

That is a very huge concern for many small business owners. You may have only a handful of employees, and you really cannot put out a bunch of cash or space to offer perks that the large corporations can. There are quite a few solutions to this question. Since you are a small business owner, creativity is most likely already a strong point for you! So review these suggestions, then come up with some of your own that will work in your area, and your company! Nothing is ever one-size-fits-all, make it work for you and your employees!

  • Local Business Alliances

Team up with local health related businesses, offer discounts to their employees in exchange for discounts for yours.

  • Vending Machines

If you have vending machines, replace the junk food with healthy, fresh options. Clean up the break room, have even a dorm size refrigerator to encourage employees to bring healthy food from home. Maybe offer local fruits and veggies, in season that are cheap at the farmer’s market.

  • Competitions

Start a biggest loser or similar competition for friendly fun to get everyone on board. Start a walking competition, buy cheap pedometers to keep track of steps per week.

  • Longer Lunches

Offer longer lunch periods, like 90 minutes, so employees can walk or run or hit a nearby gym or yoga class. The increase in production after lunch will be worth the time!

  • Online Health Coach

Hire a health coach to offer online presentations on a monthly basis, or group sessions. Most would also offer discounted individual programs for employees that want more one-on-one guidance.

  • Nutrition Information/Resources

This could be in the form of handouts or curated information online. A health coach could also put together monthly information sheets to correlate with monthly sessions.

  • Community Resources

Curate a list with contact information and addresses of local health related businesses, include any discount information that you have negotiated.

  • Non-Urgent Hours

Implement a company policy that when you clock out you unplug. No non-urgent work or messages after hours.

There are many free and low cost options that you can offer to your employees to get them started on the right path to a healthier lifestyle. Talk to them to see what would interest them, or implement a few and then ask what they think and for other suggestions.








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