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Are You Getting the Right Kind of Traffic?

August 8, 2019 by OSYB Staff

Neil Patel shares that leveraging SEO is no longer just about rankings but more importantly about acquiring the right kind of traffic to your website. The right kind of traffic is finding the people who are ready to make a purchase. So what should you be doing? Here are some of Neil’s suggestions:

  • Draw in customers before they are ready to buy – the most expensive words are those that indicate buyer intent keywords, so you do have to spend on that but you can also use Google Correlate to find the keywords that are being used when the customer is in the research mode.
  • Think of it this way, ‘Land and Expand’. This strategy asks you to use Google Search Console and Ubersuggests to find long tail phrases that best meet your product and service and use them in your content to provide a good user experience.
  • Build your brand. Building your brand is aligned with traffic growth. Monitor your brand growth with Google Trends.
  • Build a better mousetrap. Work on creating links through mutually beneficial collaborations.


For full article: How to dominate Google in 2019

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