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OSYB Blog: Number Crunch!

News and Views from OutSource Your Books, LLC

Is Multi-Tasking Making you Ineffective?

March 28, 2016 by Ed Becker

Are you losing 40% of your productivity? For a small business owner or freelancer this is a huge lost of efficacy. You already wear multiple hats and have so many tasks to complete each day, just think if you could turn this loss into an increase in productivity. What would that do to your day? […]

Blog Sharing- Ready Set Go Virtual Solutions

March 22, 2016 by Ed Becker

As a cooperative guest blogging swap, we will be posting guest articles from Ready Set Go Virtual Solutions and sharing some of ours. To kick it off, we have started by sharing what OSYB Bookkeeping is all about…. read our first shared blog here.

Make This Year Your Last Spring Cleaning

March 22, 2016 by Ed Becker

Spring cleaning is a normal ‘season’ for many families. As the weather gets warmer and we have more sunlight, we feel more energetic. Airing out the stale indoor air, cleaning the dust that has built up and doing that deep cleaning that you avoided during the dreary winter is energizing and freeing. Having a fresh, […]

10 Small Business Apps for 2016

February 24, 2016 by Ed Becker

Our lives and our businesses are technology driven. It is just a fact in this era of mobile devices. If there isn’t an app for what you want today, tomorrow there very well could be. Apps make our lives and business easier. You could spend days or weeks researching apps or looking to just see […]

How to Delegate Small Business Tasks to Leverage Your Time

February 17, 2016 by Ed Becker

Delegation is such a hard process for many business owners. Being the only one, the superhero, the jack of all trades is typical for business owners just starting out, and usually necessary. As a business owner, there comes a time when you either have to learn to delegate or you could stagnate your business, or […]

How to De-Stress: For Small Business Owners

February 9, 2016 by Ed Becker

Owning and running a small business can and will be stressful. There is the constant mental and financial stress of running a business. But those that take the risk and choose to step out of the box into business ownership have a special drive that helps them succeed. Even so, some days can get overwhelming […]

Small Business Planning 2016- Cyber Security

January 31, 2016 by Ed Becker

Small Business Planning 2016- Cyber Security Cyber security is a huge deal for any company. If you sell online or work in the cloud, you are at risk for a data security breach. Large companies that have been hacked are normally given a lot of publicity. From Target and EBay to health insurance companies, nowhere […]

Small Business Planning 2016- Business & Marketing Trends

January 25, 2016 by Ed Becker

Small Business Planning 2016- Business & Marketing Trends Buying habits, the way consumers want to receive advertising and the way we all view our daily information is always changing. The future of marketing has to change with the habits and needs of your target market. Consumers do not want to be advertised to, they want […]