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Build Trust in Your Twitter Followers

July 27, 2017 by OSYB Staff

Trust is an integral role in the foundation of any relationship. This principle also carries into the digital world.  A study by Ogilvy, Google and TNS shows that 74% of people say that ‘word of mouth’ is the most influential factor for them.   This augments the rationale to make building  your credibility a top priority.   To expand your Twitter following and improve your trust level, Quicksprout shares 16 suggestions, we will start you off with 6:

  1. Use a branded background image
  2. Add a ‘likeable’ profile picture
  3. Get verified and add trusted seals
  4. Highlight your credentials concisely
  5. Pin your best content to the top
  6. Strive to hit the right ration of followers

Fore more essential details:  16 Essentials to Creating a Trust-Boosting Twitter Profile

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